Improving The Leadership Spirit of Santri Ma'had Ali Krapyak Yayasan Ali Maksum Yogyakarta Through Wayang


  • Muh. Mukti Yogyakarta State University


Awareness, soul, wayang, students


It is important for every child of the nation to awaken their leadership spirit, including the students of the Ma'had Ali Krapyak Ali Maksum Foundation Yogyakarta. The aim of the research is to find out how the efforts to awaken the spirit of leadership of the Ma'had Ali Krapyak students of the Ali Maksum Yogyakarta Foundation through wayang are also to find out its success.

The research method was carried out using wayang: the researcher performed a puppeteer with the play Kyai Alamtara with the theme of preaching to the people, the students of Ma'had Ali Krapyak of the Yogyakarta Ali Maksum Foundation watched it.

Research results: 1. Awareness of the leadership spirit of the Ma'had Ali Krapyak students of the Yogyakarta Ali Maksum Foundation through wayang, done in the following poses: a. gupuh (thinking about the concept of wayang), b. lungguh (realizing the concept of wayang), c. suguh (presenting puppets), and d. Aruh (asking about success after seeing the wayng). 2. The effort to awaken the leadership spirit of the Ma'had Ali Krapyak students of the Yogyakarta Ali Maksum Foundation through wayang was successful, the students were aware of or remembered his leadership spirit.


Keywords: Awareness, soul, students, wayang


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Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla meluncurkan Rencana Aksi Nasional juni 2018, pada

Kyai Galih (Guardian of the Ma'had Ali Krapyak students of the Ali Maksum Foundation Yogyakarta)

Kyai Hilmi (Guardian of the Ma'had Ali Krapyak students of the Ali Maksum Foundation Yogyakarta)

Kyai Imanuddin (caretaker of Ma'had Ali Krapyak Ali Maksum Foundation Yogyakarta)

Kyai Zen (Guardian of the Ma'had Ali Krapyak students of the Ali Maksum Foundation Yogyakarta)

Sa'adah (Caregiver of the female students of Ma'had Ali Krapyak Ali Maksum Foundation Yogyakarta)




How to Cite

Mukti, M. (2024). Improving The Leadership Spirit of Santri Ma’had Ali Krapyak Yayasan Ali Maksum Yogyakarta Through Wayang . Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education, 3, 27–34. Retrieved from


