Curriculum of Chemistry for Biology Course: A Case Study on the Perspectives of Biology Education Students
case study, Chemitry for Biology, Biology Education, Integration of Chemistry into Biology, Student PerspectivesAbstract
This research explores the perceptions, beliefs, and experiences of Biology Education students regarding the importance of the Chemistry for Biology course. In the context of higher education, a deep understanding of Chemistry and the integration of Chemical concepts into Biology education are considered crucial. The study aims to understand how Biology Education students perceive the relationship between Chemistry and Biology and to assess the significance of integrating chemical concepts into Biology education. The research methodology employed in this study is a case study, where data was obtained through questionnaires evaluating students' perspectives on this course. The case study was conducted with 51 Biology Education students who had taken the Chemistry for Biology course. The research findings indicate that the majority of the students strongly agree on the importance of understanding the relationship between Chemistry and Biology. They are aware that biological processes, such as digestion, respiration, and metabolism, involve chemical reactions that must be understood within the context of Biology. Biochemistry, as an interdisciplinary science combining Chemistry and Biology, is recognized as a significant outcome of studying Chemistry. Chemical compounds, enzymes, and protein hormones play vital roles in regulating various biological processes in the human body. These findings provide students with a better understanding of the interconnection between these two disciplines. The study highlights the importance of a strong Chemistry foundation for Biology Education students, suggesting future research to address specific challenges or improvements in teaching. Additionally, it underscores the value of interdisciplinary approaches, suggesting further research on innovative pedagogical methods. Educators can enhance the Chemistry for Biology course by leveraging positive student perceptions, creating real-world connections, and fostering collaboration between Chemistry and Biology departments. Overall, the research significantly contributes to improving higher education curricula, emphasizing student perspectives and refining Chemistry integration into Biology education.
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