Algebraic Reasoning Student’s of Islamic Junior High School Sabilurrosyad Malang in Solving Mathematical Problem’s Based on Mathematical Ability


  • Ulfa Masamah Mathematics Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Nurul Ilmi Badrun Dujjah Mathematics Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


Reasoning, Algebraic Reasoning, Levels of Algebraic Reasoning, Mathematical Ability


Algebraic reasoning forms the basis of all mathematical reasoning because in algebra, mathematical structures can be explored. This algebraic reasoning involves forming generalizations from previous experiences and skills related to numbers and calculations, formalizing these ideas with a symbol system and exploring the concept of a pattern and function. The aims of this study were (1) to determine the levels of algebraic reasoning students Islamic Junior High School Sabilurrosyad Malang in terms of high and low mathematical ability; and (2) to describe the characteristics of each level of algebraic reasoning students Islamic Junior High School Sabilurrosyad Malang in terms of high and low mathematical ability. This type of research is a case study qualitative research. The research subjects were selected from students Islamic Junior High School Sabilurrosyad Malang in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The subject selection procedure used purposive sampling. The research data is in the form of algebraic reasoning characteristics, with data sources of the subject's occupation, interviews, and field notes. The research instrument was the researcher as the main instrument, written tests and interview guides as auxiliary instruments. Data collection techniques were carried out by task-based interviews. Testing the credibility of the data is done by giving assignments at different times (time triangulation). Data analysis uses a fixed comparison technique which generally consists of data reduction, data categorization, synthesis, and ends with developing a substantive theory. The results of this study are that there are four levels of algebraic students Islamic Junior High School Sabilurrosyad Malang, namely level 0, level 1 for students with low mathematical abilities and two students with high abilities who are at level above level 2 but have not yet reached level 3. Characteristics of algebraic reasoning in each level is at level 0: less able to understand the problem, uses natural language, which means students do not use variables or do not understand the meaning of variables, determine results depending on specific objects, cannot make generalizations so do not perform operations on variables in general forms. Characteristics of students with level 1 algebraic reasoning: can understand problems, can generalize using natural language, students cannot make general forms, so they do not perform operations on variables in general forms. While students with high mathematical abilities have the characteristics of students with level 2 algebraic reasoning but have not fully entered at level 3: able to understand problems, able to generalize and use symbolic language, general forms made are the result of generalizations using variables, able to make general forms is a function and performs operations on the variable after it is given a boost.


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How to Cite

Ulfa Masamah, & Nurul Ilmi Badrun Dujjah. (2023). Algebraic Reasoning Student’s of Islamic Junior High School Sabilurrosyad Malang in Solving Mathematical Problem’s Based on Mathematical Ability . Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education, 2, 91–97. Retrieved from


