The Impact of Powtoon Learning Media on Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Basic Accounting


  • Maharani Fadhiyah Haifani Universitas Negri Surakarta
  • Susilaningsih Universitas Negri Surakarta
  • Muhtar Universitas Negri Surakarta


Powtoon Media, Critical Thinking, Accounting Learning, Learning Media


An knowledgeable and skilled human resource who can build a mindset capable of contending against all the obstacles and issues that come in its environment is something that education plays a significant part in producing. The goal of this study is to ascertain how students' critical thinking abilities are impacted by their use of instructional media. This study employed a descriptive qualitative methodology. The information required to describe the Powtoon application is gathered using qualitative methodologies. SMK N 1 Kalianda in the South Lampung District served as the study's data gathering site. Creating learning media is another option that teachers have to help students meet their learning objectives. Audiovisual media is one of the most effective educational tools. One of the animation-based video presentation software that can be used for producing learning videos is Pouton. As a result of this study, it was found that pouton media can be applied to help students understand and improve their expressive skills.


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How to Cite

Maharani Fadhiyah Haifani, Susilaningsih, & Muhtar. (2023). The Impact of Powtoon Learning Media on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Basic Accounting. Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education, 2, 315–321. Retrieved from


