Spatial-Temporal Variation of Land Surface Temperature in South Tambun District, Bekasi Regency in 2011 – 2022


  • Fauzan Ananda Prasetyo Department of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia
  • Adi Wibowo Department of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia
  • Riza Putera Syamsuddin Department of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia


Development Area, Land Surface Temperature, Land Cover, Landsat 8


South Tambun District is the sub-district with the largest population and the highest density in Bekasi Regency (BPS 2021). One of the factors causing population growth is the high rate of urbanization (Prayojana et al., 2020). The intensity of this urbanization rate can be seen from how much built-up land cover stands in the area (Chen et al., 2021). Then, in the Bekasi Regency Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Bekasi Regency Spatial Plan for 2011–2031 in South Tambun District it is planned as Development Area I (WP I) which is directed to the main functions of developing industry, trade, services, housing, settlements , tourism and supporting industrial activities. One of the problems that will occur is that it can increase the surface temperature of the soil in areas of land cover change, due to a shift in land cover from undeveloped to built up. Urban ground surface temperature can be detected using remote sensing. Detection analysis was performed on Landsat-8 imagery which depicts the shape of the earth's surface. This change has a relationship with changes in land cover, namely the greenness of the vegetation and the density of buildings in South Tambun District, with a linear correlation test to get the result that the Greenness of the Vegetation is inversely proportional to the value of the land surface. temperature and building density are directly proportional to ground surface temperature.


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How to Cite

Fauzan Ananda Prasetyo, Adi Wibowo, & Riza Putera Syamsuddin. (2023). Spatial-Temporal Variation of Land Surface Temperature in South Tambun District, Bekasi Regency in 2011 – 2022. Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education, 2, 625–633. Retrieved from


