Green Synthesis Reviews: Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Galangal Rhizome Extract (Alpina galanga) and Centella asiatica Leaves as Bacterial Inhibitors
green synthesis, nanoparticles, Alpinia galanga, Centella asiatica LAbstract
This review will discuss the green synthesis process of silver nanoparticles using galangal rhizome extract and centella leaf extract as capping agents and discuss their application as antibacterials. Both of these capping agents were obtained by the extraction process of the maceration method in which the macerated water is used as a reducing agent to precipitate silver nanoparticles. The characterization was carried out by looking at the absorbance at a wavelength of 350-450 nm because at that wavelength the silver nanoparticle solution is able to experience maximum absorption. The particle size obtained ranges from 50-90 nm depending on the concentration of silver used. The antibacterial results obtained on silver nanoparticles of galangal rhizome extract against Pseudomonas aeruginosa were able to obtain a clear zone with a diameter of 6. 2 mm while the Staphylococcus epidermidis did not show any inhibition. Meanwhile, the silver nanoparticles of Centella asiatica leaf extract showed an inhibition in the form of a clear zone on the two test bacteria, namely Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively of 22.5 and 25 mm.
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