A Comparison of SVM Kernel Functions for Sentiment Analysis of UU TPKS
kernel function, law on the elimination of sexual violence, sentiment analysis, support vector machineAbstract
The law on the elimination of sexual violence or Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual (UU TPKS) previously known as draft law on criminal sexual violence got approved in April 12th, 2022 in the plenary meeting of the Indonesia’s Parliament. Before the law has been approved, the bills were initiated by the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) in 2012. The passed bills raised many reactions from Indonesian Citizen on social media, specifically Twitter. In this study, we do sentiment analysis on the passes of UU TPKS using 5486 data by keywords UU TPKS and/or #UUTPKS on Twitter. Different kernel functions with different combination of C, gamma, and degree on support vector machine used to find out which kernel is the best for classification on the passed bills such as linear, radial basis function (RBF), sigmoid, and polynomial using cross validation with the value of K equals to 10. The evaluation shows that the model reaches the highest F1-score using radial basis function kernel, C=1 and gamma=1 with 96,36% score.
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