The Development of Momen of Inertia Props Based On Arduino Uno for Second Year of Senior High School Student


  • Sukindar Sukindar Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
  • Ika Kartika Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
  • Nur Untoro Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga



Props, Moment of Inertia, Arduino UNO, Student Worksheets


Momen of inertia concept is difficult subject to teach. Many teachers still teach momen of inertia concept by using lecture method. On the orther hands, students need a momen of inertia props. It encourages researcher to 1) develop momen of inertia props based on Arduino UNO 2) measure the momen of inertia props based on Arduino UNO quality 3) study the students responses and Arduino UNO-based momen of inertia props enforceability. This research is Research and Development by Borg and Gall model that consists of seven steps, namely 1) Research and information collecting 2) Planning 3)  Develop preliminary form of product 4)  Preliminary field testing 5)  Main product revision 6)  Main field testing 7) Operational product revision. This research is using questionnaires and observation techniques in data collection process with instruments such as assessment sheets, response sheets, and observation sheet. The data were analyzed by finding the average score and compared with classification table. The research results is 1) researcher successfully developed moment of inertia props based on Arduino UNO with Student Worksheet and Teachers Guide 2) Quality of Arduino UNO-based moment of inertia props were set into Very Good category by material experts assessment, media experts assessment, and teachers assessment with average score of 3.38; 3,69; and 3.58 3) student response of the Arduino-based momen of inertia props is set into Agree category with average score of 0.97 and enforceability shows that the props can be used in momen of inertia concept learning in second year grade of Senior High School.


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How to Cite

Sukindar, S., Kartika, I. ., & Untoro, N. . (2017). The Development of Momen of Inertia Props Based On Arduino Uno for Second Year of Senior High School Student. Proceeding International Conference on Science and Engineering, 1, 229–233.


