Proceeding International Conference on Science and Engineering (ICSE) 2017

Cover PDF
Committee PDF
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Guidance for Authors PDF
Table of Contents PDF
Abstract from Keynote Speech
Applied Biomechanics: Prosthetic and Orthopaedics BERND UDO WIECHERT PDF xiii
Supply Chain Design for Global Competitiveness FERRY JIE PDF xiv
Review of Maximum Power Point Tracking Control of Photovoltaic Systems in Case of Uniform & Non-uniform Irradiance Conditions SYAFARUDDIN PDF xv
Cluster 1: Life Science, Physics & Life Science
Bacillus subtilis sp. B1, Chitinase Producing Isolated from Indonesian Tropical Shrimp Pond Waste Water AMRIH PRASETYO, ELISA NURNAWATI PDF 1-4
Histological Structure of Stingrays (Gymnura poecilura) Heart DESI ARSITA YANI PDF 5-7
Anatomy and Histology of Reproductive Organ of Male Guinea Pig As a Source of Learning ELVIRA MEGA ANDROMA, LAELA UMI KHASANAH PDF 9-18
Modeling Folding Zone in Kedungsari Compassionate Area Kulon Progo Yogyakarta with Gravity Method MAYA LUTHFIYA, THAQIBUL FIKRI NIYARTAMA PDF 19-22
Identifying of Groundwater Pollution in Lower Code Watershed, Yogyakarta MURYANTO, SUNTORO, TOTOK GUNAWAN, PRABANG SETYONO PDF 23-26
Effect of Leaves Infuse (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) Intake on Reproductive Organs Morphometry of Female Rats (Rattus Sp.) After Parturition NAJDA RIFQIYATI, JUMAILATUS SHOLIHAH, LAELATUL SOIMAH PDF 27-30
Checklist of Macroalgae at Krakal and Drini Beach, Gunungkidul RETNO SURYANDARI PDF 31-38
In Silico Identification and Comparative Analysis Of Hevea brasiliensis Cobra Gene Family RIZA ARIEF PUTRANTO, IRFAN MARTIANSYAH, RIZKA TAMANIA SAPTARI PDF 39-47
Locusts (Acrididae) Diversity in Gunung Bunder Forest Park SRI RAHAYU, SULISTIYAWATI PDF 49-53
Histological Study of the Liver of Stingray (Dasyatis sp.) ULFARICHA CAHYA HAPPYALITA PDF 55-57
Rediscovery of Premna lucidula Miq (Lamiaceae) in Mount Nglanggeran Gunungkidul WIDODO, MUHAMMAD JAFAR LUTHFI PDF 59-65
Study of Shark Kidney Histology (Carcharhinus sorrah) ZAKIA DARAJAT PDF 67-69
Anatomical and Histological Structure of Black Pomfret Fish Kidney (Formio niger) NURUL SAFITRI APRILIANI PDF 71-74
Morphological Diversity of Bacteria and Fungus of Rhizosfer Puspa Tree (Schima wallichi Korth.) at Turgo Forest, Mount Merapi Sleman Yogyakarta VIDI ANDANY PDF 75-79
Simulation of Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor Based on Nanoparticle Coreshell in 633 nm WIDAYANTI, ABRAHA K, UTOMO A.B PDF 81-83
Cluster 2: Applied Science, Chemistry & Chemical Technology
Analysis of Erosion Hazard at Gagakan Sub-Watershed, Blora District, Central Java Province, Indonesia DIAH AULIYANI, TYAS MUTIARA BASUKI PDF 85-89
Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles Doped Zirconium Oxychloride by PSTA BATAN Yogyakarta Production as Photoanode Semiconduktors for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell DOMO SLAMET, DIDIK KRISDIYANTO, KHAMIDINAL PDF 91-97
Detection System Design for Cu Contaminated Water Based on Red Diode Laser and LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) Sensor FRIDA AGUNG RAKHMADI, HIKMAHTUZ ZAHROH PDF 99-101
Electrical Resistivity Tomography Techniques for Identifying Groundwater Pollution Due to Leachate flows at Putri Cempo Landfill HARJITO, SUNTORO, TOTOK GUNAWAN, M. MASKURI PDF 103-109
The Study of Specific Surface Area from Carbonat Rock Using Micro Computed Tomography (µ-CT) MAHENDRA RISKY HABIBI, THAQIBUL FIKRI NIYARTAMA PDF 111-113
Study of Computational Theory of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) for Porcine Gelatin Detected Sensor Based Nanomaterial Fe3O4–CNT in Otto’s Configuration MAULINA LUTFIYAH, ASIH MELATI PDF 115-124
Study of Batik Wastewater Treatment Using PAC (Poly Aluminum Chloride) as Coagulant and Organoclay (Montmorillonite-polydadmac) as Floccullant to Reduce Total Suspended Solid (TSS) and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) NOVITA CHANDRA SARI, IRWAN NUGRAHA PDF 125-130
The Technique Analysis of CO2 in Troposphere using AIRS NUNUNG ISNAINI DWI NINGSIH PDF 131-135
The Effect of Increasing Surface Area of Graphite Electrode On the Performance of Dual Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells PEDY ARTSANTI, SUDARLIN, EKA FADZILLAH KIRANA PDF 137-140
Synthesis of 7-(Hydroxy) Coumarin and Its Activity Test as Antibacterial against Staphylococcus aureus and Shigella flexneri SUSY YUNITA PRABAWATI, FITRIANA PDF 141-145
Identification of Manganese Distribution Using Very Low Frequency (VLF) Method at Karangsari Village, Pengasih Sub-District, Kulonprogo Regency, DIY WULAN LISTYORINI, THAQIBUL FIKRI NIYARTAMA, MUHAMMAD FAIZAL ZAKARIA PDF 147-152
The Performance of Electricity Producing of Dual Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) Using Wastewater of Tempe Industries YAYAH LUTHFIAH, PEDY ARTSANTI PDF 153-156
Cluster 3: Engineering, Computer Science & Information Technology, Mathematic & Statistic
A Modifying of Hill Cipher Algorithm with 3 Substitution Caesar Cipher AZZAM MUJADDID, SUMARSONO PDF 157-163
Leslie Matrix Application in Determining Number and Growth Rate of Female Population DEWI ANGGREINI, RATRI CANDRA HASTARI PDF 165-170
Application of Learning Vector Quantization Method in Kinect Device AS a Base of the Development of Behaviour Detection System EKO ARIANTO, LAIFA RAHMAWATI PDF 171-174
Porosity Identification of Carbonate Core Reservoir Using Digital Rock Physics Method IRSYAD NURUZZAMAN SIDIQ, THAQIBUL FIKRI NIYARTAMA PDF 175-181
Fluorescence Imaging System Using High Power LED to Generate Oral Auto-fluoerscence of Sprague dawley Rat LAILIS SA’ADAH, FRIDA AGUNG RAKHMADI, RINI WIDYANINGRUM PDF 183-187
Maximal Homomorphism in Fundamental Theorem of Homomorphism Semiring RISKI RYAN HARDIANSYAH, KHURUL WARDATI, MUHAMAD ZAKI RIYANTO PDF 189-192
Design of Acceleration’s Monitoring System by Computer with Bluetooth Communication to Determine Intensity IJABATUL KHOIRUNNISA, FRIDA AGUNG RAKHMADI, NUGROHO BUDI WIBOWO PDF 193-195
Usability Analysis of Pornography Detection System on Internet Users using Mc’Calls Method BAMBANG SUGIANTORO PDF 197-203
Design of Vibrate Generator NUR UNTORO PDF 205-208
Cluster 4: Education, Social Science
Generative Learning Model to Improve Science Literacy Competence on 10th Grade Students of Sciences Wahid Hasyim Senior High School on Temperature and Heat Topic AZIZATUZZAHRO’, IKA KARTIKA PDF 209-213
Android Application for of Plants Identification Using Determination Key MUHAMMAD ARIF RIFAI PDF 215-218
Developing Puzzles Laboratory Safety Symbols for Laboratory Introduction MUHAMMAD ZAMHARI, ESTRIANA MURNI SETIAWATI PDF 219-223
The Effects of Auditory, Intellectually, and Repetition (AIR) Learning Model to Problem Solving Skills of the Students Grade XI IPA of SMAN 2 Banguntapan on the Subject of Kinetic Theory of Gases NILATUL KHOERIYAH, WIDAYANTI PDF 225-228
The Development of Momen of Inertia Props Based On Arduino Uno for Second Year of Senior High School Student SUKINDAR, IKA KARTIKA, NUR UNTORO PDF 229-233
Food Anaysis Labwork Guide as A Learning Media SULISTIYAWATI, ADI CAHYA PDF 235-238
Development of Learning Model of Animation Based Tales On Elementary Students SUNARTI, SELLY RAHMAWATI, SETIA WARDANI PDF 239-243
Classification of Indramayu’s Mangoes Based on Shape Features Using Neural Network and Rule Based Programming SUMARUDIN, IRYANTO, EKA ISMANTOHADI PDF 245-248