Effect of Nanocomposite-based Packaging on Postharvest Quality of Water Content-treated Coffee Beans during Storage
NCP, coffe bean, water contentAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemical, and sensory qualities of green coffeebeans (Coffea arabica L.) during storage in nanopackaging packaging. A novel nanocomposite-based packaging (NCP) was prepared by blending polyethylene (PE) with nano-Ag,chitosan nanoparticle and montmorillonite. The effects of NCP on the quality parameters of water content tretaed coffee beans were investigated during the 21 d of storage at 25 °C. The results showed that adding nanoparticles to the PE significantly decreased the oxygen, water vapor permeability and longitudinal strength . The weight loss, water content , color variation and proximate content of coffee bean were significantly inhibited by 22.67%, 124.84%, 23.46% and 14.42%. The results of this analysis demonstrated that this NCP can potentially increase the effectiveness of methods used to preserve and maintain quality in coffe beans during postharvest storage.
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