Associations between Blood Lead Level and Blood Pressure among City Minibus Drivers in Purwokerto City, Indonesia


  • Agung Saprasetya Dwi Laksana Jenderal Soedirman University
  • Endo Dardjito Jenderal Soedirman University


Blood lead level, blood pressure, hypertension


Hypertension occurence is increasing in Indonesia. In 2009, the prevalence was 21%. Exposure to lead is well documented as the important risk factor related to the occurence of the disease. In indonesia, leaded gasoline is still being used, and no prohibition was made by the authorities. This lead to increase the risk of people who are exposed to lead pollution in the air to suffer from hypertension, including city minibus drivers. Minibus is used to mass transport in Purwokerto city, Indonesia. This research aimed to examine the association between blood lead level and blood pressure among city minibus drivers in Purwokerto City, Indonesia. The research was observational, cross-sectional study. The respondents were city minibus drivers in Purwokerto city that were not have a history of essensial hypertention in their family and have been work as minibus driver for at least one year. Blood pressure was measured using Hg sphygmomanometer and blood lead level was measured using AAS. Among 300 city minibus drivers, only 54 agreed to be recruited as respondents. Pearson’s correlation was used to analyse the data. The result showed that all respondent have blood lead level >20 µg/dL and the mean of blood lead level was high, 49.99 µg/dL, whereas the mean of systole and dyastole blood pressure were 126,67 mmHg and 86,11 mmHg respectively. Hypertension prevalence was 338,89%. Pearson correlation analysis showed that blood lead level has no significant association with both systolic blood pressure (R=0.114;  p=  0.413)  and  diastolic  blood  pressure  (R=0,252;  p=0.066).  No  significant association between blood lead level and hypertension (X2=2,424, p=0,202, C=0,207).




How to Cite

Laksana, A. S. D. ., & Dardjito, E. . (2011). Associations between Blood Lead Level and Blood Pressure among City Minibus Drivers in Purwokerto City, Indonesia. Proceeding ICBB (The International Conference on Bioscience and Biotechnology), 1(1), B1-B6. Retrieved from


