Tree Species Diversity of Kerinci-Seblat National Park and Its Potentials for Natural Substances-Based Medicines
Indonesia has long been known as a country with enormous species diversity, which can be sustainably explored its various functions. Unfortunately such a natural treasury has been neglected, even though it contains many natural substances for medical uses that can generate significant economical advantages and increase human welfare. Plants generally develop defense mechanisms against herbivores and pathogens through both mechanical structures and biochemical substances. The latter can be explored for their pharmaceutical uses. The objective of the study is to conduct a preliminary assessment on the potential of Kerinci- Seblat as a source for natural substances for medical uses. A plot of 1 ha was established and all trees with > 5 cm were measured, and collected their herbarium specimens, then identified. Their pharmaceutical potentials were determined through various literature reviews. The results show 27, 147, and 11 tree species respectively potentially contain Benzyl-isoquinoline (BI), Ellagic acid dan proanthocyanins (EL&P), dan Iridoid (Ir). These substances can be used to fight heart-related disorder, diabetics, and to develop natural-based drugs for antioxidants, antivirus, and anti depressants. Natural substances within sixteen families and 60 species can be further developed into anti cancer drugs, while 13 families and 30 species contain potentially substances that can be used to fight HIV.