Isolation and Identification of Rhizoctonia Associated with Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume Roots
Rhizoctonia, Phalaenopsis amabilis, isolation, identification, orchidAbstract
Most of orchid mycorrhizal fungi are from Rhizoctonia genus and these fungi have known can enhance the growth of orchid. This study aimed to isolate and identify Rhizoctonia associated with Phalaenopsis amabilis roots. Isolation of Rhizoctonia from healthy roots was carried out using a modification of Yuan method. Identification was based on the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. Nuclei were stained with safranin O and KOH. Four Rhizoctonia isolates isolated from root of Ph. amabilis were identified as Ceratorhiza sp1, Ceratorhiza sp2, Epulorhiza repens, and Moniliopsis sp. Nuclear staining revealed that Ceratorhiza sp1, Ceratorhiza sp2 and Epulorhiza repens were binucleate and Moniliopsis sp. was multinucleate.
How to Cite
Khaterine, Situmorang, N. ., & Kasiamdari, R. S. (2011). Isolation and Identification of Rhizoctonia Associated with Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume Roots. Proceeding ICBB (The International Conference on Bioscience and Biotechnology), 1(1), C39-C44. Retrieved from