Enhancing Students Speaking Proficiency by Developing the Vocabulary Mastery: a Case Study


  • Arum Putri Rahayu STAI Ma’arif Magetan


speaking proficiency, vocabulary mastery, Marzano’s six steps of vocabulary teaching


This study aimed to investigate that vocabulary mastery takes an important place in enhancing the students’
speaking proficiency. Due to the importance of vocabulary, Marzano’s six steps of vocabulary teaching also put an increased focus on the process of vocabulary acquisition. This research intended to identify how teachers teach vocabulary, strategies teachers use to teach vocabulary and students’ perception of vocabulary instruction in enhancing their speaking proficiency. The data were collected through classroom observation in the seventh grade of SMP Al Falah, Jogorogo, and also interviews with both an English teacher and 15 students. The research conducted during September-November 2022. From the data analysis, it was found that vocabulary instruction was influenced by Marzano’s six steps of vocabulary teaching. Student interview analysis revealed that students preferred to learn vocabulary through games and engaging activities. The analysis further revealed that difficulty in pronouncing the word was a challenge in understanding words. An interview and classroom observation revealed that vocabulary instruction in the classrooms differs based on instructional procedures in the classroom and is similar in terms of using the same types of activities.


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How to Cite

Arum Putri Rahayu. (2023). Enhancing Students Speaking Proficiency by Developing the Vocabulary Mastery: a Case Study. Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education, 2, 851–861. Retrieved from https://sunankalijaga.org/prosiding/index.php/icrse/article/view/1005


