Ethical issues in human therapeutic cloning


  • Yuliana Yuliana Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Udayana


ethical issue, human therapeutic cloning, somatic cell transfer


Human therapeutic cloning or nuclear transfer stem cells (NTSC) shows much promise in regenerative medicine.
However, due to ethical issues, this activity is prohibited. This paper aims to describe the ethical issues in human therapeutic cloning. This is a narrative literature review. Literature was taken from PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Inclusion criteria are research and review journals. Exclusion criteria are unavailable in full-text journals. The process of human therapeutic cloning is prone to abnormalities. When abnormalities develop, the cloning result has to be terminated. This is against the ethical issue because it harms human beings. The research in most mammals showed normal phenotypes and offspring. The usage of this technology is in conservation and biomedicine. In vitro of cloning process resembles in vitro fertilized embryos. Cloning is done by two techniques, namely somatic cell nuclear transfer and cell mass division. The somatic cell nuclear transfer is safe. However, the twin’s growth produced by the cloning procedure causes psychological distress. It arises ethical and moral issues. Transplantation can be solved by using somatic cell cloning of the nucleus (nuclear mass/DNA). In conclusion, ethical issues in human therapeutic cloning arise related to psychological distress in the twin growth of clones.




How to Cite

Yuliana, Y. (2023). Ethical issues in human therapeutic cloning. Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education, 2, 919–921. Retrieved from


