Anti-Abstention Pesantren: Salafiah Pesantren Ideology and The Efforts of Muara Enim General Election Commitions to Increase Voters Participation
Participation, Election, PesantrenAbstract
The purpose of this research is to find out the reasons or ideology of Pondok Pesantren Dhiya'us Salaf and the people of Karang Agung village, Lubai Ulu sub-district, Muara Enim, South Sumatra who refuse to participate in the general election and what efforts have been done by the general election commission of Muara Enim and South Sumatera. To achieve these objectives, this research was conducted by using qualitative methods in the form of empirical sociological approaches. The techniques used in data collection were observation, interviews, and forum group discussions with the chairman and commissioners of the general election comission of Muara Enim and South Sumatra, voting committee, district election committee, head of Lubai Ulu sub-district, head of Karang Agung village, administrators of Pondok Pesantren Dhiya'us Salaf, and other involved communities. The results of this research shows that the management and the community of Pondok Pesantren Dhiya'us Salaf did not want to contribute their votes in the elections because of some reasons: (1) avoiding disunity, (2) there are no sanctions in both state law and religious law, (3) ideology of western election, and (4) focusing on their field of religion. On the other hand, the general election commission of Muara Enim and South Sumatra did some efforts to increase voters’ participation by: (1) providing general election socialization and voters’ education without focusing on Pondok Pesantren Dhiya'us Salaf, (2) registering Pondok Pesantren Dhiya'us Salaf residents in the permanent voter list, and (3) deviding the polling stations.
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