Investigating The Cognitive Level of English Test Developed by English Teacher
Cognitive Level, English TestAbstract
This study deals with investigating the English test randomly in senior high school. There are five randomly questions of English test of 10th grade in 2021/2022 academic year. Documentation is the main instrument of this study. The result of this study shows that the percentage of cognitive levels of English test of 10th grade in 2021/2022 academic year that there are 60% of remembering (C1), 40% understanding (C2), meanwhile applying (C3), analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5) and creating (C6) are 0%. In addition, the results obtained percentage of LOTS, MOTS, and HOTS of English test question as follow there are 60% of questions that are categorized as LOTS, 40% of questions are categorized into MOTS, and 0% of questions are categorized into HOTS. Therefore, the quality of the English randomly is categorized remembering (C1) or LOTS level.
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