Review of The Benefits of White Murbei as Antioxidants and a-Glucosidase Inhibitors in Diabetes Mellites Sufferers
Diabetes mellitus, White Mulberry, antioxidants, α-GlucosidaseAbstract
Increased glucose levels in circulating blood are a sign of a chronic metabolic disease known as diabetes meliatus. In between countries around the world Indonesia is ranked 7th in terms of the number of diabetes mellitus sufferers . For help our diabetes treatment can use plant mulberry white , because has the ability to prevent a-glucosidase. Mulberry white own phenolic groups and antioxidant properties which is proven to inhibition of the glucosidase enzyme via the DPPH and ABTS methods. Journal reviews This aim For show potency Mulberry white (Morus Alba) as plants containing antioxidants and has activity inhibition enzyme glucosidase through ABTS and DPPH methods. For inhibition of the a-Glucosidase enzyme, the Ic50 value can be shown. It can be concluded that Morus alba can act as an antioxidant plant with an inhibitory value using the DPPH method of 16.83% - 43.95%, as well as an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor with an IC50 value of 550 µg/mL in the water extract and 241 µg/mL. mL on. ethanol extract. And the phenol value in white mulberry is 181, while the phenol value in red mulberry is 1422 and the phenol value in black mulberry is 1035.
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