Mapping Science Learning Materials Integrated Ethnoscience “Jamu Madura” for Middle Schools/MTs


  • Mirsya Adelia Natural Science Education Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Yogyakarta State University
  • Asri Widowati Natural Science Education Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Yogyakarta State University


Ethnoscience, Jamu Madura, Science Learning Material


This study aims to map natural science materials in junior high schools against the Madura’s herbal medicine or jamu Madura ethnoscience. The mapping consists of mapping indigenous knowledge about the process of making jamu Madura, with scientific knowledge in the form of science concepts and materials for SMP/MTs. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with analytical techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and literature review. Interviews and observations were conducted at the production sites of Madura’s herbal medicine which have recipes passed down from generation to generation to find out genuine knowledge about the process of making jamu Madura, while a literature review was conducted to examine the linkages between the process of making Madura’s herbal medicine and natural science concepts and materials. The results of this study show that each step in the process of making Madura’s herbal medicine is related to science concepts and materials taught in junior high schools/MTs. Natural science materials that can be related to the process of making Madura herbal medicine are, substances and their changes, classification of living things, temperature and heat, biodiversity, additive (natural preservatives), and measurements. Material substances and their changes can be related to the process of making Madura’s herbal medicine which cuts the jamu material and dries it. The material for the classification of living things and biodiversity can be seen from the process of selecting the raw materials for Madura herbal medicine. Material temperature and heat can be seen in the drying process of the jamu material used to reduce the water from the ingredients. While the measurement material is used when weighing the raw materials for Madura’s herbs. So, it can be said that the mapping of Madura herbal medicine ethnoscience can be input as a main theme in SMP/MTs learning science.


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How to Cite

Mirsya Adelia, & Asri Widowati. (2023). Mapping Science Learning Materials Integrated Ethnoscience “Jamu Madura” for Middle Schools/MTs. Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education, 2, 31–36. Retrieved from


