Cognitive Development Analysis of C4, C5, C6 in Early Childhood Education Students and Their Implications for Teacher Efforts at Raudhatul Athfal


  • Nur Setyaningrum Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia
  • Faisal Fadli IAIN Kudus


cognitive development, Islamic institution, childhood education, preschool


Cognitive development abilities were formulated by Piaget Jeans with a certain variety of categorizations, where a child can perfect his logical thinking at the age of around 12-13 years.  However, if we look at the developmental periodization of children's ages, between 0 to 6 years they have an extraordinary ability which is called the golden age. This theory of cognitive development has in fact influenced the thinking of educators that at preschool age children cannot be taught about cognitive abilities to analyze, evaluate, and even create (C4-C6). This research methodology used interview techniques, observation, and direct documentation research. With teamed data analysis through data analysis techniques that include the application of open coding, constant comparison, theoretical sampling, and theoretical sensitivity. Meanwhile, for data originating from observation and documentation, researchers used it as the main data combined with triangulation. This research tried to explore and prove whether the cognitive ability to analyze can actually be applied to preschool children? The research took objects at  Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Darul Sa'adah, in Kudus, Central Java. Second, about how teachers apply this developmental theory in learning activities. Is it proven in the learning design or is it indirectly conveyed in verbal language during learning. Through an explorative descriptive research model, this study shows that teachers deliberately do not seek cognitive development in aspects C4 to C6 through learning designs or practices. However, the teacher has a role as a student learning partner and embodies the form of visible potentials. For example, the teacher as a good listener, as a discussion partner, to a good adviser. Even this development stimulus can be seen in the game media presented in the classroom.


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How to Cite

Nur Setyaningrum, & Faisal Fadli. (2023). Cognitive Development Analysis of C4, C5, C6 in Early Childhood Education Students and Their Implications for Teacher Efforts at Raudhatul Athfal. Proceeding International Conference on Religion, Science and Education, 2, 487–496. Retrieved from


