Analysis of Senior High School Students’ Understanding on Citizen Science Project in Indonesia
Citizen Science Project, Indonesia, Senior High School, UnderstandingAbstract
The Citizen Science Project (CSP) is currently a popular research study in the world. This is because it is in line with the demands of the Independent Curriculum. Many researchers use it to collect large amounts of data that is integrated into learning. Various evidence about the success of CSP has been known by world scientists. Developed countries have also practiced it and found results. The hope is that this can be an alternative solution that can be used by teachers to help the learning process in schools by encouraging active students. This research aims to provide an overview of how high school students in Indonesia understand citizen science projects. This research becomes the basis for carrying out subsequent research. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative with interview data collection techniques, distributing questionnaires, and analyzing relevant literature. The sample used was 109 students in Indonesia spread across the islands of Sumatra and Java using a random sampling technique. The research results showed that the majority of students did not know and understand the term citizen science project in the school or outside school environment. 85.32% did not understand the term CSP, 11.10% did not know much, and 3.66% knew the basics of CSP. This is proof of the need for CSP socialization and workshops in learning before it is implemented in learning. These results are supported by interviews conducted with teachers and students who stated that they had never heard of the term CSP in learning. Some schools have involved citizen science in learning but do not realize the important role citizen science plays in supporting learning now and in the future. The presence of citizen science projects in learning has great potential to improve learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, attitudes and skills.
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